4 APRIL 2013 - 24 JUNI 2013
A fragmented self portrait; A documentation of a performance 2013
Fascinated by the volatility of our own space -our body- I captured my body size, color and thoughts between 14 april 2013 - 23 june 2013.
These elements that we can measure of our own bodies are -one more then the other- fleeting. For example color is bound to our ever changing light. When you wake up you’re taller then when you go to bed.
Because a measurement is bound to a series of consecutive decisions and circumstances, -think about: measuring tools, time of measurement, where to start a measurement, etc- every book starts with the date and time of documentation. The tryptich can be seen as a fragmented self portrait or a documentation of a performance.
The tailor made box contain a triptych of books called MIJN CMYK, MIJN MILLIMETERS, MIJN GEDACHTES (MY MILLIMETRES, MY THOUGHTS).
MIJN CMYK / MY CMYK contain measurements of the average percentage Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and blacK of different area’s in my face
MIJN MILLIMETERS / MY MILLIMETRES contain detailed measurements of my entire body, except the body parts that don't have a beginning and an end, or the parts I can’t see without using a mirror.
MIJN GEDACHTES / MY THOUGHTS contain measurements of my thoughts, by having my brain scanned with an f-MRI scanner while having thoughts.
The red squeares represent the foxel-size, -which you can compare with a pixelsize of your camera- the scanner registers activity.